Going up more, pulling down less
From an Alexander perspective, we can all go up a little more and pull down a little less. This applies throughout life, and especially for Alexander teachers, who have been applying Alexander principles to activity on a daily basis for many years. The Alexander Technique is not a quick fix. The habits of a lifetime are addressed by continuous attention to overall use of the self, and an intention in response that is elastic and whole-person attentive. More and more layers of potentially pulling down in response to stimuli need to be kindly and gently addressed, so that thinking with the whole self becomes a continuously developing skill.
I can walk with much more ease and speed now, much to my joy. But I must apply the directive of “going up more, pulling down less” to daily mundane activity to continue with recovery. When I find myself limping and lurching, I have to calm and quiet my mind, refuse to pull down in my attention, and decide on the priority of springing up from the ground with my entire neuro-muscular response. This results in a more balanced means of walking, less pain and fear of pain, and a wider attention to the wonderful world that surrounds me. I can enjoy the views and the experience involved in walking without pulling my attention down to my injured knee.
This is not to suggest that I ignore or suppress any discomfort, whether physical or emotional. Instead, I choose to notice my intention and attention, and decide to welcome a freedom of self in whatever condition of self might be current, and to dynamically spring up from the ground with joy and ease.
I saw a hawk today in the city and heard the hawk’s chirps because I had a wider view than possible knee pain. Evidence of embracing a wider view!