The Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique


The Alexander Technique is a means of awareness from the very precise mechanism of the body. The student learns to dynamically allow an overall balance of tone that results in an integrity of form, and to replace effortful habits with graceful patterns of ease. The process of Alexander Technique lessons integrates thinking and moving, so that response to stimuli can be expansive, alive and as effortless as you choose. A unity of self is implied and embodied by the tools of attention and intention that the Alexander Technique conveys.

The Alexander Technique is classically studied by actors, singers, dancers and musicians, and can benefit anyone seeking improved functioning in  life’s activities. It has proved to be an invaluable tool for people from all walks of life, activity levels and interests.

The Technique was developed by F.M. Alexander over one hundred years ago. There are Alexander Teachers in all the departments of Julliard School of the Arts in NYC, and in many universities that have dance, drama or music concentrations.

People who have studied the Technique include: Jeremy Irons, John Cleese, John Dewey (American Educational Philosopher), Frederick Perls (Originator of Gestalt Therapy), Mary Steenburgen, Moishe Feldenkrais (originator of the Feldenkrais Method), Sir Paul McCartney, Professor Nikolais Tinburgen (Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine), Robin Williams, Sting, William Hurt.