Adding injury to insult
My newly revised knee is doing beautifully, thank you! Incision pain is minor to the point of near invisibility. Comfort in movement is much increased. Clearly, the hardware was providing much structural interference that was no longer required for bone stability. Once the stitches and surgical dressings are removed (this coming Friday), I look forward to resuming careful but much increased activity.
I got a little too enthusiastic about moving yesterday and stubbed (broke!) my middle left toe. This is annoying rather than devastating, but slows me down, which was likely the point of my wiser self. My use has to be even more attuned to weight bearing without reaction to pain yet respectful of pain. Upon advice from my sister (former track star and current track coach), I taped the broken third toe to the uninjured second toe and have been only hobbling in a minor fashion.
To be on the ground and springing up with an overall elastic response is slightly more challenging, but not overly demanding. An aching toe seems like nothing much of any consequence compared to a constantly excruciatingly painful knee. And, since my knee is now quiet and more fully functional, I will accept the instruction to proceed with care and attention, to refuse to narrow or shorten, request overall length and width, and have confidence that healing and mobility progress continues, on many levels.