Post Injury: deeper recovery questions
The following questions currently linger for me without expectation of answers. As I continue to apply Alexander principles as best I can to long-term recovery, a coordination of self may reveal new solutions.
How do I use myself well in the sudden position of vastly increased dependency?
How do I keep depression and despair at bay when my preferred and life-long tools for emotional balance (vigorous activities) are no longer available?
Since my identity was partially based on being independent, mobile and physically strong, who am I now that I am dependent, not fully mobile, and much weakened?
Can I survive several months of only being able to wear the 2 pairs of pants that fit over my brace? This question may seem superficial, but hints at a much deeper issue, which is the shifted self-perception and challenged vanity of being in a physical state and definition that is unfamiliar.
What new coping skills am I learning in this experience?