Delights: Absence of pain, renewed mobility
A year and a half after injury, I am at last experiencing steady progress and reliable strength. Pain in my foot and/or knee arises now and then like an old outdated message, but not enough to seriously limit mobility. I am walking with ease and speed an average of 4 miles daily, with frequent days of twice that mileage. I limp far less, sleep with only minimal pain, and rejoice constantly in increased activity. My injured leg is still less muscular and responsive than my non-injured (and over-strong) leg, but balance in bipedal strength continues to improve.
Old pre-injury habits of use have become more apparent as the fog and distraction of pain and partial function clears. Having learned from my numerous set backs, I am ever attentive to using myself well as the possibility of more vigorous activity becomes a welcome reality. I approach all increased activity with a happy curiosity as to how to light up my entire self with an intention of ease and balance. I want to dynamically refuse any narrowing or shortening, so as not to imperil my new-found freedom with end-gaining beyond my current condition of self, and yet appropriately challenge myself to increase balanced strength. It is a finely tuned line to walk, but clearly not impossible.
No, I am not yet running, but I am deeply enjoying morning walks up steep hills (and the necessarily careful walks down hills). My Gyrotonic sessions have expanded, deepened and refined in explorations of grounding to spring into action with ease and whole self awareness.
This arduous recovery has required time, attention, tremendous assistance from other experts, and a constant application of Alexander principles. It is nearly impossible for me to imagine recovering from a serious injury without Alexander principles as a deep source of informative intention, or without the guidance of complimentary disciplines. We are elastically integrated systems, us human animals. A change anywhere in ourselves means change in our entire selves, for good or for ill. Whether we are injured or non-injured, our only choice is in our response.
As always, I am grateful to professionals who have assisted me and continue to support my progress. I am also deeply thankful for my dedicated students, who have witnessed, experienced and been compassionately patient with my long and difficult recovery. My intention has been, and continues to be, that communication about applying Alexander principles to injury recovery will assist others, for the best outcome of all concerned.